Cottondale FFA Wins State Competition

L to R: Addison Griffin, Hanna McClain, Josh Scurlock, & Taylor Dumas.
The Cottondale FFA competed in the 2020 Agricultural Sales and Service competition virtually on May 27th, 2020. The competition Consisted of a written exam, a team sales presentation, and an individual sales call. The team, which consisted of Josh Scurlock, Taylor Dumas, Addison Griffin, and Hanna McClain, won the 2020 state competition. Josh Scurlock was also the high individual for the contest, having earned the highest combined written exam and individual sales call score. The purpose of the Agricultural Sales and Service CDE is to prepare students for a career in sales, by having students sale a wide range of products relating to the agricultural industry.
The Cottondale FFA also competed in the Agricultural Communications competition virtually on May 20th, 2020. The team submitted a written media plan relating to a set topic, presented the media plan to a panel of judges, and took a communications and grammar exam. The Agricultural Communications Team placed fourth in the state; team members were Rayleigh Carter, Layne Mitchell, Kylie Harvey, and Meagan Melcher.
Congratulations to these teams and their advisor Mr. Stan Scurlock!