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Cottondale FFA Land Judging Team Going to State

Cottondale FFA

On March 1, 2018, the Cottondale Middle School and High School FFA Land Evaluation Teams competed in the Jackson County Soil and Water District Land Judging CDE. The Cottondale High School FFA Team placed first and will advance to the state contest on March 23, 2018, in Haines City. High school team members were Caleb Reed, Tyler Sallas, and CJ Young, and Joey Jackson. Caleb Reed placed 1st high individual. The Cottondale Middle School FFA Team also placed first and is advancing to the state contest. Middle school team members were Josh Scurlock, Jeremy Scurlock, Raven Benefield, and Layne Mitchell. Good luck to both teams as they compete at the state finals.

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